
Open Space #7 Jean Claracq

Since childhood, Jean Claracq has been fascinated with the history of art, drawing inspiration from mediaeval illumination to photography via Renaissance painting.
Favouring miniature formats, his paintings are based on digital collages derived from various sources. Despite their small sizes, his compositions teem with detail and offer multiple stories that bring together different temporalities and places.
Using highly contemporary iconography, Claracq works in a particular tradition of the genre scene. He depicts young male figures absorbed in virtual worlds, isolated in interior and exterior environments, offering different perspectives on the suburbs and their buildings as well as urban and natural landscapes.
For his first solo exhibition, Claracq has created Propaganda, five new works set into an architectural model system that invites the viewer to move around the paintings.

The artist
Jean Claracq lives and works in Paris. After graduating from the Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-Arts Paris in 2017, he received in 2018 the second price Antoine Marin and the Painting Price Roger Bataille. His recent collective exhibitions include : « Umbilicus », Sultana, Paris (2019), "Les fleurs de l’été sont les rêves de l’hiver racontés le matin à la table des anges", Praz-Delavallade, Paris (2019), « Mais pas du tout, c’est platement figuratif ! Toi tu es spirituelle mon amour! », Jousse Entreprise, Paris, FR (2019) and Artagon IV, Heading East, Magasins Généraux, Paris, FR (2018).

Ludovic Delalande and Claire Staebler
Open Space is a programme dedicated to the most contemporary expressions of creativity, which invites national and international artists to create specific projects. Open Space takes place regularly in different settings around Frank Gehry’s building.

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Fondation Louis Vuitton 

Isabella Capece Galeota
Directeur de la communication

Sébastien Bizet
Responsable de la communication


Brunswick Arts

Roya Nasser / Andréa Azéma


+ 33 (0)6 20 26 33 28 / + 33 (0)7 76 80 75 03