
Open Space #15 Portia Zvavahera

For Open Space #15, her first personal exhibition in France, Portia Zvavahera conjures has conceived a new painting called Imba Yerumbidzo (House of Praise). Eight canvases gathered as panorama of near 17 meters long, this monumental painting unfolds in a curve covering the walls of the gallery 8, redesigning the space.

Portia Zvavahera’s paintings are based on her dreams. Steeped in Christian convictions and indigenous Zimbabwean beliefs, the artist considers her nocturnal visions to be prophecies, the emotional intensity of which she seeks to transcribe through painting. They raise questions of life and death, the material and the spiritual, love and solitude, the personal that touches the universal. Here, the artist conjures her phantasmagorical universe through multiple silhouettes appearing across the surface of the canvas. Their deformed, roughly sketched limbs are diluted in an expressionist touch that emphasizes their ghostly presence. With no element of setting or context, these apparitions seem to float freely.

The composition is based on a juxtaposition and superimposition of shapes, solids, and motifs, using a variety of techniques: from paint applied with a brush or stick, to stencils and etchings to create patterns using the traditional methods of Zimbabwean batik. On the canvas, rich in material and texture, these sections contrast with the areas left white, in reserve, evoking the "angels" that the artist saw in the dream at the source of this painting.

Curator: Ludovic Delalande and Claudia Buizza (Fondation Louis Vuitton)

Portia Zvavahera is represented by Stevenson (Cape Town, Johannesburg) and David Zwirner (London, New York, Paris, Hong Kong and Los Angeles)

The Open Space programme
Open Space is a program dedicated to contemporary art, offering the possibility of a first solo exhibition and the production of a new work.

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Fondation Louis Vuitton

Sébastien Bizet, Director of Communications
Caroline Cadinot, Head of Press and Public relations

Capece Consulting
Isabella Capece Galeota, Communication Advisor

Joonam Partners
Roya Nasser: +33 (0)6 20 26 33 28
Alix Roché: +33 (0)6 79 65 62 23

For US press
Polskin Arts and Communications
Meagan Jones: +1 (212) 593-6485 meagan.jones@finnpartners.com

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